Hey there! I’m Apeksha Saxena. ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️)

Everything programmable around Apeksha Saxena

Bachelor of computer science and engineering. She is a seasoned programmer, problem solver, technology enthusiast. She can speak in Java, React JS. She is a Product Lead at Cred Avenue. She loves travelling and Call Of Duty mobile.


Talking about Me:

- 🛠   I’m currently working with Java, Data Structure, React JS.
- 🚀   I’m currently learning System Design.
- 👨🏻‍💻   Working on data Structures and LeetCode Challenges, code will soon be available at My Github Repository.
- 👾   Fun fact: It’s funny because it’s true.
- 📫   How to reach me: net.apeksha@gmail.com.
- 📝   Checkout my Resume

Let’s see my Work Journey

• CellPoint Digital, Pune : We Optimise and orchestrate all your digital payments. We have 410+ payment options available today. InShot_20210930_202008168

• Cognizant, Pune :
Cognizant provides exceptional web development services to the clients across the globe. InShot_20210930_204708038

GitHub Stats

Languages and Tools

Java React MySQL Git GitHub HTML5

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I’ll be happy to meet you more!

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